Rumble Strip

Rumble strips are closely spaced raised pavement markers at regular intervals on the roadway that creates noise and vibration to the vehicle. Rumble strips can be used to warn drivers of a change in speed limit, leading up to a residential or school area, and upcoming stop sign or intersection. Rumble strips should only be used in areas where the noise impact would be minimal. Little data has been collected to predict the reduction in speed, traffic volumes, or collisions and use of this device may not result in significant decreases. Resources permitting, before and after data can be collected by DOT staff to determine the effectiveness of rumble strips.



  • Relatively inexpensive.
  • Can be effective in slowing travel speeds in specific locations.


  • Raised pavement markers can be slippery when wet.
  • Increased noise in vicinity of rumble strips.
  • Maintenance of raised pavement markers.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Uncomfortable for motorcyclists and bicyclists.


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